Wow! Well, it's been forever now since we've updated this blog! Obviously the "real" world isn't as fun as the one we were living in before! So, we are officially back to reality!
We got back to the Bay Area in the beginning of June. Since being home we've gotten the opportunity to visit with family and friends and share stories of our travels. We've been really fortunate to have a couple of great friends that have been housing us for the past month. This has enabled us to take our adjustment to reality VERY slowly.
I must admit that being knocked up, homeless, and jobless (for Miles) isn't as fun as it sounds! It's gotten a little depressing. But honestly, after 11 months of adventure, I don't think I'm allowed to complain!
So, the good news is that we have found a place to live and will be moving in on July 1st. Miles has been really fortunate and had several job offers since we've returned home. He has finally decided on one that suits him and will be starting work shortly.
I go back to work in July, but only for a few months because I can't fly for too long with a bun in the oven! So, life is good. I'm back with my Zoey!

Things couldn't be better! Thanks again to everyone who helped make our trip all that it was!
There's a long list of you! And here it goes...
Thanks to Jason Fass , Dan Stock, Jenn & Jaime Exley and Glenn Burkhardt for helping with the initial packing and moving of our house as we prepared to embark on this grand adventure!

Thanks to Glenn & Danielle Burkhardt for allowing us to store our stuff in the basement all this time!

Thanks to Jamie Exley for driving us all the way to Yosemite and hiking the first part of the JMT with us!

Thanks to the Aten Family in Chuuk, Micronesia for housing us both in Chuuk and Palau and recommending diving with the Truk Aggressor!

Thanks to Captain Niall Lawlor of the Truk Aggressor for a great week of diving and for recommending the Palau Aggressor to us!

Thanks to the Morrone family (we met Matt and Heather on the Truk Aggressor) for welcoming us into your home in Guam and housing us as we made our way to Japan!

Thanks to the Nagashima family in Tokyo, Japan for housing, feeding and showing us such amazing generosity! You really made our visit to Japan AWESOME!

Thanks to Paco and AnnCe' for showing up in China! You truly made our trip memorable! And you especially helped me (Erin) while we were in China to loosen up and have fun and look at my experiences differently! I love you girls and hope you will always be in my life!

Thanks to Tito Manuel and Tita Beth for housing us in Manila and "hooking us up" (as usual) with a great hotel in Borocay!

Thanks to Lola and the rest of the Torre family for taking care of us while we were in Manila and welcoming us into the family festivities during Christmas!

Thanks to Tita Judy Anne and the rest of the Parroco clan for having us over for Christmas dinner!

Thanks to Josh (Jason Fass' cousin) for a great week of diving in Myanmar!
Thanks to Heather and Sam Bretzfield for housing and feeding us in Bangladesh and allowing us to experience your life over there! Can you please call the tailor and have Nilu make dinner and have Taju take us shopping and when we come back have Jamila give me a massage? By the way, are we still going to barb-b-que on Wednesday at the IC? Seriously...rough life!! (=

Thanks to the Schaefer family in Bonn, Germany for housing and feeding us! We are so thankful to have you guys in our lives. If only we lived down the street from each other!

Thanks to Eva and Jose' (we met on the Palau Aggressor) for housing us and showing us around Madrid, Spain! You two are always welcome in California. Mi casa es tu casa! Muchas Gracias!

Thanks to Dave and Wendi Spector for picking us up at the Philly airport and always being such great friends! We really enjoyed our last visit!

Thanks to Chris and Rachel Spahr for housing and feeding us while we were in Jersey and for taking us all around and to the airport on our way out! We really appreciate your friendship!
Thanks to Jason and Adrianne Fass for housing us since we've been back and helping out with Zoey!

Thanks to Glenn and Danielle for housing us since we've been back!
Thanks to Inday and Mark for storing some of our stuff and for taking care of the Nissan and just for everything you do!

Thanks to Jenn, Jaime and Nanay for taking care of Zoey while we were gone, for taking care of the Honda and for storing some of our stuff! You guys ROCK! We could not have gone on our trip without you!

A special thanks to Jenn for being "home base", which essentially means she was our secretary. She took care of all paper work and bills and all that stuff we weren't able to deal with from abroad. Thanks so much Jenn!
And two final thank yous...first to Miles. Thank you this trip. For all your hard work in achieving it, for making it fun while we were out there, for taking care of me and for making me feel so loved day after day! I had so much fun with you and really enjoyed having silly inside jokes and moments we will remember forever! I love you!

The last thank you goes to all the great people we met on this trip! I can't speak for Miles, but for me you are what made this trip fun! So many days full of laughter and good memories! I felt like a kid again and really enjoyed getting to know each of you! We had good conversations and just great fun! You are always welcome here in California! Please come visit!

And that's it! As time goes on and life changes we will do our best to update the blog and throw some photos up of what's going on in our lives. So, when you think of it drop by and take a look!
I wish you all so much happiness and many blessings!
Thanks for reading!
Lots of love, Erin