Dive! Dive! Dive! - Mergui Archipelago

From Yangon, we hopped on a twin propeller plane to Kawthaung (Southern most town in Myanmar). This is the jumping point to the 4000 islands that make up the Mergui (Myeik) Archipelago. The flight runs once a week (Saturday) and since our live aboard did not depart until Sunday, we had one day to kill. Putting it nicely - there's absolutely NOTHING to do in Kawthaung. There are 3 "hotels" and the only reason that the town survives is because it is the place where foreigners from Thailand spend a couple of hours/dollars after jumping over the boarder only to re-enter Thailand 1 hour later with a new 30 day visa. Our $20 dollar room had no electricity until 6PM (we landed at 9AM) so with the heat, we both took at least 4 showers that day. We did have a nice view of the bay though and sunset that evening.

That night, we had about 8 boys who were apparently living on the streets surround us during dinner. We were the odd foreigners who actually stayed a day (vs. jumping in a long tail back to Thailand) so they were full of questions. Some of the questions were asking for food (not money) but like any kid, they just wanted to laugh and be loved. They got a huge kick out of my one and only card trick and were eager to learn the new hand shakes/high five combos that we taught them. Erin, bought dinner for them later and they scarfed down their meals like it was their first in days. They were all very appreciative and it just made us feel sad because all of them were good hearted boys. 3 of them walked us back to our hotel later and 2 of them made me walk in the middle with my arms draped over their shoulders as they danced, laughed and sang while passing the local karaoke lounge. Got on board the trimaran"Gaea" the following afternoon. Met Dave and Kat and the rest of the crew and were pleased to find out that we were the only 4 on the boat that week (usually caters 8 divers). The diving was first class and we were still able to see new things. A manta up close and personal on the first day,
Hi guys, we are very dissapointed cause we thought that you have more personality.... But NO, in reality you're not able to have goods ideas by yourselves... Can you explain us: why when we put movies on our web, you do the same? Why when Paco make some "tresses " in her hair, Erin do the same? When we take dive's pics, you feels obliged to do the same (even if yours are really better than ours...)? In spite of your imagination's lak, we kiss you of the deepest part of our heart, so you do?
Auntie Erin:
I really like your swimming friend the manta ray.
Love, Kate
i like diving. aunt erin likes stingrays. i love you. come home soon. love kate. age 5
Nice video of the manta, even though it wasn't a famous 'flying armijo manta'.
Wow great adventure, thank you for taking us along with the blog!
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