Huanglong -Yangtze River - Yangshuo
It has been hectic these past couple of days and it made me think about what we've been posting. A lot of the responses/comments that we have received have been to the tune of "It looks so beautiful!" or "I'm so jealous of you guys." While we have had SOME wonderful times these past three months, please let me assure you that we have had our share of bumps and bruises along the way. Just yesterday, we got out of a taxi and I conveniently left my money belt in the back seat. Luckily I had my wallet with cash in hand, but the belt held $200 in traveler's checks and more importantly, my passport. Without going into too much detail, we spent the next four hours at the mercy of the taxi stand attendants (from the train station that we just left) who were super helpful and called all of the taxis (or so it seemed) in Wuhan to track it down - THANK GOODNESS! However, the $200 in checks did not make it back - go figure. It took an hour walking around town to find a phone where we could call American Express and it cost us $20 to make that call - ARRRGH!).
This was all after a 4 hour bus ride that left at 6AM from Yichang - after a 3 hour sleep - after a tour the night prior that started at 10PM and ended at 1AM. Who signs up for a tour that starts at 10PM you ask? Try the stupid ass Americans that were talked into it 3 days prior by a slick Chinese travel agent who assured us that we did not want to be on board our "cruise" ship

as it went through the locks. The cruise in and of itself was pretty disappointing and we paid an arm and a leg by China standards. We did have some nice views

but again, we found that we were had by the travel agents that booked our tickets as we talked to other back packers who had paid much less than we did. The saying for us thus far is "You live and you "DON'T" learn."
After that, Erin lost her appetite as we witnessed a rat being swept out of a restaurant and meet his end after the sweeper smashed it with the heel of his shoe. Then we walked the other way and saw a worker grab a live catfish from a tank and then slam it to the ground (this is all in the middle of a busy walkway in front of the train station BTW) before putting it in his fryer. We were short on sleep, had just gone through some stress with the whole passport thing, had not eaten a proper meal in over 14 hours and now had a 14 hour overnight train ahead of us.
We've run in to some straight up rude people (i.e. food vendors not willing to serve us - This has REALLY happened - or business owners acting as if we were bothering them when coming into their business). The different culture (i.e. spitting/hacking up of phlem by almost everyone/everywhere - smoking in close quarters (I'm sure I'm going to die of second hand smoke) - run down hostels/ hotels (we average about $15 per night and that's about what it gets you) - dirty Eastern style (hole in the floor) toilets. All of this together has straight up worn us down! Again, we have had some nice memories and have met some very nice people along the way ( this has helped keep a smile on our face as we exchange war stories - THANKS for your company),

but overall - We're ready for Vietnam. We have until the 15th of Novemeber and are currently in Yangshuo which is a nice town "dotted with karst topography" - limestone peaks/upthrusts.

We'll spend a couple of days unwiding here (we're back to shorts weather) before heading to Nanning to obtain our Vietnam Visas. That's it for my bitch session.
Pictures from Huanglong National Park a couple of days back- Known for it's crystal clear blue lakes.

Me and Erin switching places with a local porter (These guys carry people to the various viewing places if they have problems with the altitude (4000 meters) or if they're just too damn lazy).

Hi americanos,
today you're on your bike with the others, I'm very sad to stay !!! bouh... I'm crying... bouh (as my estomac who say "GRRR BRRR GHRR" or smth like that!)Enjoy your sunny day. Please Erin be carefull of the sun.. OOH NO, sorry I'm so stupid, you have a great suncream very cheaper!! :-) Enjoy your cyclingday and... come back soon cause I miss you!
PS: escusez moi, monsieur Miles, ou sont les toilettes, s'il vous plait???
Big love
Now we're talkin! :-) I'm freakin dying here reading this. No seriously, this is some funny stuff!!!
Look at it this way: It cost you $200 bucks to be able to tell this story to your kids.
Great photo's, love the blog!
I am still reading along and enjoying this adventure with you... love the bitching session.. it really lets us all in on your reality... your pictures are awesome... keep posting them for those of us living vicariously through you.
Jo Shively
Hi Miles:
This is my first time ever on a blog. I realize from reading the other comments that I am very old and out of what seems to be the current humor.
The thought that occurs to me as I read and look at your adventure is that cultures may be different but people are people. Dirty toliets are dirty toliets whether they are in Viet Nam or in L.A. There are rude and nice people everywhere. I admire your adventureous spirit. Your comment of not having anything to be thankful for, other than not dying from bird flu soup, struck a cord in my heart. I'm sure that was just a part of this young humor which I don't understand. I am thankful that Erin married you because I would not have had the opportunity to be a part of your family otherwise. I love you Miles and pray that God will speak to your heart while you are in the quiet grandure of His creation. May God keep you safe. Love, Aunt Kat
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