Growing Baby!
Hey all!
It's been awhile so I thought I would give just a quick update on the status of our growing baby! All has been going really well. As far as I can tell (comparing myself to all the "horror" stories I've heard) I've had a relatively easy and enjoyable pregnancy. While some seem to view this as a horrible thing to go through to get a wonderful outcome, I really see it as an honor and a blessing. My most overwhelming thought is that God is so amazing! To have a little life growing inside of me that I get to feel every day is so mind boggling and awesome! It is just another way God has confirmed His greatness! So, as you can tell I've really been enjoying this time in my life! I find all these changes in my body so fascinating and cannot wait to be a mom! Miles is doing good too! He seems to enjoy the baby and the pregnancy experience more and more. As my belly grows it is a more visual reminder of what lies ahead! Anyhow, enough of my blabber, here's some photos of my growing belly and some shots of the baby! I'm currently 6 months along or 27 weeks, take your pick! Sending you all lots of love and blessings! Erin