Boracay (pronounced Boar-ah-kai)

We made it to Boracay on the 27th without too much hassle (tried flying on the 26th but all flights were full) and have been lounging ever since. The beach is as beautiful as everyone before us has said with turquoise waters and blinding white sand that stretches forever. Our agenda on most days was swimming or kite boarding lessons in the morning

followed by mango shakes and more swimming in the afternoon. After watching the sunset

we would take a beach side stroll looking for a place to dine and then would cap the day off with either a one hour massage (for $7) or a stroll back to the hotel listening to the bands that plagued the strip. Life is hard!

Rang in the New Years with some friends that we met on Pandan island along with the locals.

The firework show was impressive. Check out the video (warning - it's about 3 mins long).
We hope you all had a wonderful holiday season. We've been on the road for 5 months now and feel very fortunate to be here. Obviously we are enjoying ourselves but at the same time, things are a little awkward as we feel guilty knowing that Erin's mom is not doing so well. We continue to ask that you send your positive thoughts/vibes/prayers to Cindy who is still battling her way towards recovery from pancreatitis. Here is the latest from Chris:
"Cindy got some bad news today - we seem to be doing a cha-cha, you know 2 steps forward and 3 steps back. The pseudo-cyst grew some over this last week and her temperature and white count is going up again and the MSRA (staph infection) is still very present and dangerous to those visiting. The doctor said it is even present in her perspiration. So any thing within 3 feet of her has a chance of being infected. So gloves and masks and robes are important. Sorry for the discouraging news but we are still trusting God to bring this to a successful conclusion."
We wish you all a happy and healthy 2006 and thanks for checking in on us!
Miles and Erin
P.S. - I found another one of my long lost cousins

Hey guys - Dad here. That camera you're carrying is awesome. Great photos and video.
The kite video is really interesting, Shay and I were down at the beach in San Diego last month and watched a few people boarding. It really looks like work and fun after you get the hang of it.
The fireworks were pretty and what was in the drink? it looked like a cherry?
Keep doing what you're doing - it will only last for now - like the wind it will be gone before you know it. (here comes the "old guy" speech)It all goes by too quickly, why, it only seems like yesterday that you guys got married and the day before was your graduation and ...Enjoy it! and thank God you can. Dad
Happy New Year! I love the little videos! The one on the van was crazy. hmmm...might have to go there for the $7 massages....
Bubba's brother just quit his big corporate job in New York and, yesterday, had his first day at his new job here in Seattle, yes, Seatttle! So eventually his whole family will be moving here. We are super excited.
Here's a link to some of my recent photos.
Miss you two! Take care!
Love, Steph, Bubba & Muddy
Wow great, so cute this white sand castle... Where did you stay in boracay, is it good facilities there???
Tanya Gemarin
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