No Wind in Hua Hin

Not too much to report. I've been in Hua Hin (about 3 hours south of Bangkok by bus) for almost a week now. I did some research about kite boarding in Thailand and this place came up. I didn't know what to expect but this is what I found - basically every retired, Speedo wearin', burnt European in the world is here. Nothing against burnt's just that I thought I was in Thailand. There is a beautiful, long white sand beach but unfortunately it's accompanied by high rises that line the entire 3KM stretch so I would have to say that this is not my idea of an island get away.
The only reason that I've stuck around this long is because I pulled the trigger and bought a kite board set up. Wind was good the first 2 days but the kite hasn't seen the light of day for the past four. Here's the routine: Get up, have breakfast, walk down to the beach, sit and wait for wind, have lunch, sit and wait for wind, sit and wait for wind, get up, walk home, have dinner, get ice cream, go to the Internet cafe, go home, go to bed. The only other excitement that I've had is when I went for a swim to get some exercise and got stung by a jelly fish on my stomach. Burned like hell for about 4 hours (felt feverish too) but I think the pain was lessened somewhat by the local food stall lady who immediately doused me with vinegar and aloe when I came out of the water. Nice lady.
I feel like someone is trying to tell me something. Here are some pictures of monks (I know - totally random) and below that is the latest from Chris on Cindy. Please think of her today and send her your best wishes for the Happiest of Valentines Day.

The doctors have decided to be more aggressive with Cindy's pancreaticcondition. They have kept her in the hospital for at least a few more days. On Tuesday (Valentines Day) they have her scheduled to be taken to the Kaiser Hospital in Anaheim for a special procedure that only that particular hospital can perform.
The procedure will drain the pseudo cyst and the pancreas of as much of their collected fluids as possible. SO they seem to have turned a corner in their approach to this condition. I expect Cindy to be in terrible pain because every time they have disturbed the pancreas, so far, the pancreas has kicked back. We'll find out. In some ways Cindy is like the pregnant mother who at the end just wants the baby out! Cindy wants this to be over!
The last few days have been good for us. Erin has once a gain returned from her trip and has spent 5 days here with us. She is so thoughtful and helpful. Erin is really a sweet kid, you know? I am very proud of her and I thank Miles for making his sacrifice to allow her to come here!
Please keep Tuesday in prayer for the doctors and Cindy.