This just in...Miles Parroco named HUSBAND OF THE YEAR!!!
Well, for those of you that don't know, not only is February 2nd Ground Hog's Day, but it also happens to be my birthday!! I turned the BIG 2-9! My last year in my 20's. ): Anyhow, I just had to make a special post to tell you just how wonderful my Miles is! So, here is what happened...
On the morning of February 1st I woke up casually and as usual Miles was already up and running. He said he was going to head down stairs to see if Paco, AnnCe' or Dennis (a Canadian guy we've been traveling with) were up yet. He was gone for about 10 minutes or so. I got dressed and ready for the day. He came back and said no one was up. I told him I was ready to go to breakfast, but he said he needed a few more minutes. Then he started complaining of stomach cramps and saying he didn't feel so well. (Not an unusual occurrence in this part of the world.) Then I heard a knock at the door and it was AnnCe'. She said she just got up and wondered if we'd eaten yet. I was more than ready to eat, as usual, and said, "let's go!". Miles said his stomach hurt too much and that he would stay behind. So AnnCe' and I headed off to breakfast.
AnnCe' told me that she met some French girl at the temples yesterday and the girl had some information on volunteering in Cambodia. So, she asked if we could stop by her hotel and talk to her after breakfast. I said, "sure, no problem!" After breakfast we walked over to the hotel. When we walked in I was thinking, "Wow! This place is really nice! What kind of back packer is staying here?" The man in the lobby asked if he could help us and I told him we were here to see a friend. AnnCe' said she forgot what room number and went to the front desk to ask. I just took a seat in the waiting area and admired my surroundings. Then the hotel lady asked us to follow her to the room. As we were walking AnnCe' turned to me and said, "This place is really nice, huh?" I said, "Yeah! It's like a mini oasis!". The grounds were so beautiful. There were little bungalows everywhere and lots of tropical plants, but it was all very nice, very not our budget! On the way to the room we passed by a pool. I've been wanting to go swimming for several days now and was already making plans in my head to ask how much they would charge me to spend the day at their pool! Once we got to the room the lady said go ahead and opened the door. I thought, "what is she doing?! This isn't our room, we can't just walk in!" Then AnnCe' opened the door a little and gave a little knock. I said, "AnnCe', you can't just walk in, what if she's not there?" Next thing I know I hear this horrible French accent calling, "Bonjour! Bonjour! Come in!" I was thinking, "that's strange, that voice sounds a lot like Miles." Then we walked in and I was hit with a wave of jealousy! The room smelled wonderful and looked so clean and fresh! Then I looked at the ground and saw Miles flip flops by the bed and my back pack under the bed! I said, "Miles what's going on?!" He burst out of the bathroom and said, "What?!! How did you know I was here?!" I said, "I can see my back pack under the bed!"
Anyhow, long story short (too late) I got to stay in the most heavenly room for 2 days! I had air conditioning, a hot water shower, a clean bed, comfortable pillows and a pool! I stayed by the pool all day! It was wonderful! Thank you Miles for knowing me so well! It's just what I needed! Also, thanks for being such a good liar AnnCe', you really helped pull it off!

The next morning (my actual birthday) Miles woke me up at 8:30 and told me to start getting ready for the day. I kept asking questions like, "should I wear my tennis shoes today?" The response, "just dress comfortable". "Do I need to put on some sun block?" The response, "just dress comfortable." So, I gave up trying to figure out what was going on and I just dressed comfortably. Then we had breakfast and while we were eating Paco and AnnCe' showed up. Of course they came smiling, saying their happy birthdays and giving me lots of kisses! Silly French girls! After breakfast Miles flagged down a tuk-tuk and we all got in...all except Miles. I said, "what?! You're not coming?!" He said no and waved goodbye.
A few minutes later we arrived in the main part of town. Paco and AnnCe' covered my eyes and led me down the street. When I opened my eyes we were standing in a Spa! Miles had arranged for a girls day at the Spa! Our visit started off with a nice cup of tea while our feet were washed in warm water full of tropical flowers! Then we had to pick out a fragrance for our massage and a body scrub. We each had a full body scrub, a full body massage and a facial! It was wonderful! Then we all went to lunch together, including Dennis. By the way, it was Dennis' birthday too! Poor one to spoil him, but we did our best (a few beers, a hammock and a t-shirt). After lunch Paco and AnnCe' took me to the beauty salon in the market for a manicure and pedicure! It was such an amazing day! I'll never forget it!

(the beautiful foot bath and the girls modeling our complimentary panties!)

So, I just wanted to brag about what a wonderful husband I have! He deserves a little public praise! And I wanted to thank Miles, Paco, AnnCe' and Dennis for making my birthday so memorable! Also, thanks to everyone back home for all the birthday e-mails and electronic greeting cards! I feel so loved! I wish you all the best! Hugs, Erin
Happy, Happy birthday Erin and Miles! Love, Amy, Grandma and Spir Spir.
Miles, how sensitive of you... who knew you had it in ya. My guess is that there was some Sixers game on that you wanted to watch and figured the easiest way to do it was to send the girls away. Nice work man.
Hello Erin,
My name is Julie and I've been trying to find you. I can see why it has been hard for me, as that you are traveling the world. This is in regards to a package that was lost in transit trying to get to you from Jenn. I don't know how you can get a hold of me, I hope you have email. If you do, could you please contact me at this email: I hope to hear from you soon, as I would like to get this package to you. Thanks so much for your time!
Did all of this happen in Cambodia? How old was the girl that massaged your feet? Dennis was a good sport not to get jealous.
See you soon, Dad.
I'm so happy to have participated at your "so amazing birthday". Thanks for this nice days together and thanks to be you, like a new sister for me. I love you so much! Take care and see you ... soon! The life is very long, so we'll meet us later... sure! Bises.
Happy Birthday Erin! Sounds like you guys are having a blast.
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