Siem Reap - Angkor W"H"AT!

From Phnom Penh, we took a 5 hour bus ride north to the town of Battambang. Not too much to see but it was a nice break from the hustle and bustle of the "BIG" city. Spent 2 days there checking out the local temples and took a ride on the Bamboo train. 8 km's of uneven, bumpy, "single" railroad track that the farmers use to transport goods to the city. I mention single track because if you happen upon a "train" heading in your direction, you simply unload, lift up the platform, pull the axles and let the other train through. The ride was bumpy to say the least but it was a fun glimpse into local life and we were assured that this was smoother than any of the surrounding roads.

From Battambang, we took an 8 hour boat ride up the river to Siem Reap. Another scenic day as we wound our way lazily through riverside villages and farm land. It's currently dry season so the rivers are quite low. "How low are they!?" So low that we often bottomed out and the driver would have to gun the engine while two of the deck hands pushed us through with bamboo poles. We figured out quickly that this is why they told us "Any where between 5 to 7 hours." when we asked how long the ride was.

Siem Reap is the base to explore Angkor Wat and surrounding temples. We bought a 3 day pass and spent the first day exploring by bicycle (pedaled 17kms and got in well after dark). Erin and I figured we had enough of the bikes and did the big circuit (26kms) the next day by tuk-tuk. Erin opted out the 3rd day choosing the swimming pool over the saddle and I went back to Angkor Thom with the Frenchies by bike.

It's difficult to put the temples into words as any description would be a grave injustice. The next best thing are pictures but even then, you're unable to capture the size and beauty in it's full grandeur. My advice - Come and see them when you can!

Just for fun! - FMP

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